Laser Eyewear Cleaning - Covid-19

June 4, 2020
Laser Eyewear Cleaning - Covid-19
Since the Covid-19 pandemic started Kentek has received many inquiries regarding cleaning/disinfecting laser eyewear. Our guidance on cleaning Kentek laser safety eyewear as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19 is consistent with our past recommendations that seek to avoid damage of vital components.  Many commercial cleaning agents claim the ability to kill coronaviruses, but most of these claims are not fully-tested and are based on current understanding of COVID-19 and its similarity to other viruses.  Therefore, Kentek’s guidance on cleaning eyewear is just that:  guidance only, based on the best available science and best practices.  For hard surfaces, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) generally recommends cleaning followed by disinfection.  Most professionals believe that a thorough cleaning is typically adequate.

Cleaning Kentek Laser Safety Eyewear

  1. First, thoroughly wash and sanitize your hands with soap and water or don a new and clean pair of gloves. Greasy or grimy fingers are not only unsanitary but will make cleaning your glasses more difficult. Also, dirt on your fingers could scratch the lenses.
  2. In a shallow bath of warm water and mild soap, gently wash the lenses and frames with your clean fingers.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under cool water.
  4. Use a clean, soft towel to gently dry all surfaces.

Disinfecting Kentek Laser Safety Eyewear

  1. Handle glasses with clean gloved hand or tongs. Avoid scratching the lenses.
  2. Immerse the glasses fully for 10 minutes in a shallow bath of warm water with bleach (1/3 cup disinfecting bleach for each gallon of water).
  3. Rinse thoroughly under cool water.
  4. Use a clean, soft towel to gently dry all surfaces.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Agents

Mild dish detergent, such as Dawn® as well as disinfecting bleach/sodium hypochlorite diluted per instructions are fine to use. Alcohol wipes with a concentration below 35% only can be used; however, this low concentration may not meet CDC guidelines. No other chemicals have been evaluated by Kentek, including but not limited to peroxide, ammonia, Lysol®, and others.

Other Important Notes

To avoid damaging your lenses, do not use paper towels, dishtowels, a shirttail, or other fabrics to dry them. Air drying is discouraged because cleaning agents will damage or discolor the product over time.  Only use detergents that do not have additives such as skin lotion which will leave a residue on the eyewear. Anti-fog wipes with low concentrations of alcohol are acceptable.  Eyewear retention cords/straps should be laundered. I hope these guidelines provide a better understanding of what works and what is best.  As always please don't hesitate to reach out with comments/questions - 603-223-4900 or [email protected].  Stay safe!
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