ENTRY-GUARDâ„¢ Components
ENTRY-GUARDâ„¢ Laser Area Access Control Systems provide fail-safe access controls to ensure safe and authorized access to areas with laser radiation. Our systems provide design flexibility for customization to your laser radiation areas. When the power to the controller is interrupted, critical outputs, such as door magnetic locks and laser interlocks, revert to a safe state: magnetic locks off, laser interlocks open.
ENTRY-GUARDâ„¢ products can be integrated with many components of Access Control Systems, such as Lasers, Laser Enclosures, Laser Shutters, Curtain Systems, Light Curtains, Entryway Doors, Warning Signs, Status Lights, Audible Signals, Keypads, Card Readers, Biometric Scanners, Safety Interlocks, Proximity Sensors, Safety Mats, Crash Bar Sensors, Laser Scanners, PLC Circuits, Switches (Emergency Stop, Remote Start, Exit Request, Bypass Key), Magnetic Locks and Electronic Latches.